Posted by Ahmed Iyanda | 3 years ago | 2,301 times
With a CGPA of 4.89, Ojelabi Seliat Alayo emerged the overall best graduating student at Fountain University Osogbo (FUO) for the 2019/2020 academic session and also broke First class jinx at the institution's Political Science department.
In this interview with AHMED IYANDA, Seliat who hails from Osun state talks about her academic journey and how she achieved this feat.
How was schooling like for you?
Schooling for me was full of a roller coaster of emotions. I had some days where I was very down and some days where I was very elated and hopeful. But I must say I enjoyed schooling because I met a set of great people, great minds from different spheres of life.
What is it like being the best graduating student in your set?
I honestly cannot totally describe the feeling. I felt for the very first time, I had a specific goal and I was able to achieve it. By the way, I have been working towards being the best graduating student since my 100level days.
What did you do to be the best?
Well, I didn’t really do anything exceptional. I just made sure I did the right thing at the right time. I didn't allow any distractions to leverage my aims and objectives. I prioritized my academics over social life.
What next after your first degree?
I plan to further my education by going for my MSc. I wish to pursue my second degree in Governance, Development and Public Policy.
What were your pre-university years like?
My pre-university years were definitely my years in secondary school. My secondary school days were epic, fun and memorable. I had a very strong academic foundation and orientation from my secondary school. This had a very significant impact on my first Grade Point Average (GPA) which laid the foundation of subsequent GPAs.
People often see brilliant people as one with little social life. Is this so? If not, what extracurricular activities did you engage in school?
I was involved in the sports and games activities of the school. I was involved in the organization and coordination of my department's Dinners and Award nights as I was the Vice-president of the association, 2019/2020.
What was your best and lowest moment while in school?
My best moment in school was when I was told I had the highest CGPA in the whole of my set, breaking the record of the first student with first class honors in the department of Political science and Public Administration and emerging as the best graduating student of the entire set.(this was during clearance and authentication my final year). To be honest, the feeling of accomplishment I had is unmatched. My worst moment was when I was sick and I was forced to write an exam at the hospital. This was an experience I never expected.
Nigerian schools have a lot of challenges, but this is not to say they are all doom. What would you miss about FUO?
I will miss praying at the school Central mosque. I will miss reading in the school library. I will miss the modest and Islamic gatherings during Ramadan. I will miss seminars and round-table discussions. In short, I will miss the whole environment.
What would be your advice to students aiming to attain academic excellence?
I will advice that they should make academic excellence their priority. They should learn and focus on their academics squarely without distractions. They should try as much as possible to stay out of trouble because that is part of the biggest distractions from studying and concentration. They should aim at being able to defend their results anytime and anywhere. Lastly, they should pray to God for successful accomplishment.
Did you at any point have to cope with pressure from the opposite sex?
Yes I had to cope with pressure from opposite sex at one time or the other but I wasn't distracted because I had a goal I wanted to achieve.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I see myself as a Research Professor using my research and writing skills to correct the ills and vices of the society. Allah knows best