Posted by Oradiegwu Ugochukwu | one year ago | 950 times
A University Don, Dr Olunifesi Suraj in his presentation during the International Conference to mark the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) organised by University of Ohio, USA recently, has made a call to African governments, people of African descent and Africans living in diaspora to promote an African Media Right Agenda as a means of ensuring Africa regeneration and rebirth.
In his paper titled ‘African Right to Identity as a Right to Development: A media Right Agenda’, Dr Suraj believed that the African right to development as construed in the UDHR which has been highly contested and politicized can only be attained through a dedicated African Media International Network (AMIN) that is controlled, managed and financed by Africans as against monopolistic western dominated International Media.
The University Don believes that for Africa to realize its full potential and develop accordingly, there is a need for the continent to pursue alternative media agenda by fostering appropriate and inclusive Media Partnership for Africa Development (MEPAD).
Dr Suraj earlier in his presentation criticised the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), a document adopted by OAU, of being deficient in addressing African development Agenda particularly in respect to the UN Declaration on African Right to Development. The University Scholar asserted that African right to development is a function of its cultural identity and media portrayal.
In his words, “I am of the opinion that Africans and People of African descent should harness the potentials of media to assert their right to identity and advance their development agenda. They should tell their own stories, showcase their diverse cultures, achievements and contributions through authentic African narratives that could enhance their developmental agenda rather than allowing stereotypic narrative that are counterproductive to African development goals”.
Dr Olunifesi Suraj is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mass Communication, University of Lagos and the Executive Director for African Centre for Media and Intercultural Dialogue (ACMID).