How receiving 27 NOs helped me overcome my fear of rejection–Obasanjo Fejemirokun

Posted by Ahmed Iyanda | one year ago | 862 times

Editor's Notes: The fear of rejection is a feeling that often has a far-reaching impact. Most people experience some nerves when placing themselves in situations that could lead to rejection, some feel disappointed, but for some people, the fear becomes overwhelming. 

Research shows that 70% of jobs are never published publicly, and up to 80% of jobs are filled through personal and professional connections.

LinkedIn can be a great start for you to network. Even if you are an introvert, don't always hesitate to reach out to people. As for me, I realized that I wasn’t tapping into my network enough. I worked on strengthening my LinkedIn profile. For every event I attended, I always network and it has been helping me, career wise.

Experiencing rejection is a normal part of life. So, why do many  feel a sense of shame when we hear the word ‘No’?

In this article, Obasanjo Fajemirokun  shared strategies of how he coped with rejections after applying to over 20 scholarships. After numerous rejections, Obasanjo has been offered a Masters in International Management scholarship at the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Morocco.

Read: Turning rejection into opportunity: How to cope with rejection mails

Obasanjo has some tips on how to overcome a fear of rejection.

Embrace the Down Times

"Success doesn't come without its lows.  When you receive a rejection letter, allow yourself to feel the disappointment – cry, shout, or reflect. It's a vital part of the journey. I allow myself to go through the downtime." 

Learn from Rejections

"I revisit my rejection letters and assess why I didn’t get the opportunity. This practice, even before applying, ensures growth and improvement."

Seek Inspiration and build a support system

"I look for those who have won the opportunity on social media, learn from them, and connect with them if I can. Sometimes, we do not yet have the requirements for the opportunity we are applying for as we need to do more to get it." 

Decide on Reapplication

"Assess if you want to reapply. If yes, rewrite applications. If not, gracefully move forward, knowing your path may lead to different opportunities."

Align with Your Vision

"I seek more opportunities that align with my vision and where I want to be in 5-10 years. Some may not fit your current path, and that's okay. Opt for those in line with your aspirations."

Define Yourself

"I don’t let the rejections define me. I define myself and I make sure I don’t compare myself to others because our journeys are different."

Combine Faith and Action

"I pray and apply for more opportunities."

Here are some of Obasanjo's  27 Masters rejections: University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, MSFS, Georgetown University, St. Mary University Twickenham London, MA Education, Michael Taiwo Graduate School Application Scholarship, University of Glasgow Chancellors Scholarship, Chevening Scholarship, University of Alabama, Mastercard Baobab Digital Innovation Scholars Program, Move on International Summer School on Social Mobility, Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship, UEA- Allen and Nesta Ferguson Scholarship, University of Nottingham PG Excellent Awards, University of Nottingham Developing Solutions Masters Scholarship.

Commonwealth Shared Scholarship, Obama Foundation Scholars Program, Joint International Master in Sustainable Development, Mastercard scholarship, Chevening Scholarship, Rotary Peace Fellowship Scholarship, Commonwealth Shared Scholarship, AFRIKA KOMMT, among others.

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