Posted by Sulaimon Babalola | 3 years ago | 1,165 times
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one ~Malcom Forbes.
The real liberation is to embrace education for all regardless of class. The liberation we all want as individuals and nations resides in proper Education.
Education is life itself ,if anyone lacks education, it's more or less like depriving such a life. The value we place on education determines the value placed on our society, the violence witnessed in our society, the vaccine to curb it is education. The most important weapon to fight back the social vices in our society is Education.
The most important aspect of our society which is Governance need a well educated person to manage and maintain Government, Education beyond learning in the classroom infact Education is what remain after school. Education is the main deal to break the yoke of uncertainty and politics of calumny been played,the best legacy and for a future well deserved,we as people need to redefine it for its purpose to be realistic.
While those that know nothing claim it is a scam which is pure ignorance on their part, to change this narrative, Educational stakeholders need to put more pressure and effort for the true purpose of Education.
Finally, let's all embrace development to develop both as individuals and nations, its digital world and the competition beyond just a country and our progress will be determined as fast we adjust to new techniques. Learners should boast of learning different things in a different way with unique methodology that give them assurance and hope of being taught in a way they love.