Posted by Editor | 4 years ago | 1,050 times
Agricultural Consultant, Akindele Akinola has said that it is high time for South-West Nigeria to develop a Sustainable Agricultural Policy that will make the region independent of other region when it comes to food security.
He disclosed this in an interview with Western Nigeria Publica (WNP), where he emphasized that Southwest has good arable lands, green vegetation and enough rain to farm and feed itself and also sell to the North.
It would be recalled that there were stoppage of the supply of foodstuffs and cattle to the south from the north by the Amalgamated Union of Foodstuffs and cattle Dealers of Nigeria. The strike launched the stoppage of the supply of foodstuffs and cattle as all roads leading to the South from the North were closed down for vehicles transporting food stuffs and cattle not to gain passage.
“Effect of the stoppage will be that, there will definitely be increased rate of productions in South West region, because if nothing is coming in from outside, we'd be forced to get our hands on something for ourselves. (whether at subsistence or commercial level), in fact both ways. And by that, I mean, those that will go into small/medium or large scale production will emerge. We would not want to stay without farm produce.”
As a result, he noted that the stoppage of food items will help the region to act fast, “although, it might take a long time, and be a tedious and cumbersome work to do, but it would pay in the long run,” he stated.
On the other hand, he reiterated the consequence that might suffice if farm produce are not received from Northern Nigeria, adding that there will be a drop or set back economically considering the business aspect.
“Secondly, we would have to depend on whatever we produce here on our soils whether or not it's good. And recovering from such would take a long time thereby causing adverse and severe effect on the livelihood of people.”
Akindele stressed that over dependent and reliance of food items from the North has made South West not value what it has got. However, there’s need for South West region to develop Sustainable Agricultural Policy in other to be dependent on it’s own.
“The Southwest should also go back to goat rearing like we used to do and stop relying on Cows from up North at all time. The Southwest has enough natural water for fish farming and we can also develop our snail farming to commercial quantities, he said”
The Agricultural Consultant, therefore enjoined the people, most especially farmers to go back to farm no matter how little, charging government to provide enabling environment for farming to thrive by providing security to ensure Fulani Herdsmen do not kidnap again.
“I have seen someone who farm tomatoes on a small scale and is able to feed his household and people around him, meanwhile still getting small income out of what he's able to produce. Imagine such a person have access to a very wide array of land and implements, would he not do more than he does at the moment?
“There are people like that who are very ready to do more on the field but are incapacitated with one obstacle or the other, and rather than killing themselves while trying so hard, they will just do the little they could and move on. Since help isn't coming from those who are supposed to provide.”
He, however noted that If farmers could get easy access to the factors of production, such as mechanized farming implements, there is high tendency the region could produce more food items.