Seek knowledge, acquire skills, scholar urges Muslim Youths

Posted by Ahmed Iyanda | 3 years ago | 1,559 times

Mallam Abdulgafar giving lecture at the Dawah Camp

Mallam Abdulgafar Adeleye, an Islamic Scholar, who is also the Special Assistant  on Media to Ogun State Speaker, Rt. Hon. Olakunke Taiwo Oluomo, has urged  Muslims to seek knowledge and acquire skills necessary for their advancement as change agents.

He made the call at the Official Opening Ceremony of the 2021 Dawah Camp organized by  NASFAT  Youth Wing Ogun Zone.

Speaking on the theme "The new norms: effect of pandemic on our religion," Abdulgafar  said there was no better time for young Muslims to think differently and acquire new skills than now.

"I celebrate with you all today, especially those who have taken it upon themselves to invest the free time forced on them by the global pandemic lockdowns to explore new horizons and develop new skills. The pandemic has seen our youths rise up to exhibit their ideas, skills and potentials.

“COVID-19 has changed the world in many ways and the best way to adapt is to engage your mind and body in the most creative and entrepreneurial way possible,” he said.

“Continuously seek knowledge as that is the only way to emancipate yourselves,”he said.

He charged the youths to embrace the new normal, adding that seeking knowledge will  prepare them for the task of becoming change agents.

Quoting  Qur'an 28vs 77, it said "And seek the (betterment of) the Ultimate Abode with what Allah has given to you, and do not neglect your share from this world, and do good as Allah did good to you, and do not seek to make mischief in the land. Surely, Allah does not like the mischief-makers.”

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